8 Benefits of Sticking to a Daily Routine


Designing and adhering to a daily routine, whether this is your morning workout or mid afternoon yoga session, having a set routine is the path to success, productivity, freedom and even even happiness.

Here is why setting a routine may be beneficial for you and your goals. 

  1. Efficiency Breads Consistency 

When we have a plan set in place we become efficient at being consistent. Wake up with a plan and lay out your entire week for best results. Make room for surprises, we know things come up especially if you are a busy working parent.  However, knowing how you plan on taking on the week will help you reduce the chance of wasting time. Building an effective routine reduces the need to make decisions throughout the week. It enables us to know exactly what tasks we need to do day in and day out.  Without having to contemplate our decision making process is much more clear and simple. This allows you to save time, our most valuable resource. 

  1. Build Healthy Habits 

The secret to building healthy habits is consistency.  Daily repetition is how we adapt and adjust to learning curves. Design and implement a routine that works for you! This helps to facilitate healthy habits by encouraging you to repeat the same tasks over and over again.

  1. To Break Bad Ones

While our routine helps us develop healthy habits it also helps to break away from bad ones. You are what you focus on most. So focusing on healthy rituals will leave less time for unhealthy ones.  Slowly but surely your healthy habits of choice will replace your bad habits for good. 

  1. Prioritization is Key to Success

The beauty of designing a consistent routine helps to prioritize the entire week. When you decide what habits are healthy, prioritize those habits.  Soon those habits will become rituals that lead to success. Consistency is key to building a plan that works for the long term. 

  1. Momentum that Moves You

Once you find a good plan that works, the momentum alone will pave the path to your success.  That is why going to the gym or working out at home gets easier with consistent effort.  Momentum is a huge factor when it comes to ensuring success. Follow and dedicate yourself to a healthy routine and see the momentum lead to steady action. 

  1. Helps to Build Confidence

When we adhere to a routine and stick with it we get more confident in ourselves because we see the steady effort paying off. With these daily wins of making things happen this helps build self confidence and gives us a sense of tremendous satisfaction.  This provides us with the ‘fuel’ to continue our healthy rituals. 

  1. Helps to Reduce Stress 

The act of planning implements action.  This gives us a sense of control and helps us relax instead of worry about the tasks at hand. A simple plan can greatly reduce the unknown that comes from not having a plan. 

  1. Helps Us Achieve Our Goals Faster

Consistency reaps success through little steps of progress. Our goals and aspirations are rarely, if ever, achieved all at once. Success comes with daily practice. The more you practice the faster you win.

Try your best to develop and stick to a routine that is congruent with your goals. If your goal is to get in-shape and feel healthy then book your training a week in advance. You can join our FitZone Family live online or from our Myzone training app.  This allows for instant connection with you and your trainer. A quick 30 minutes is all it takes.  Join us by connecting with us and get your goals aligned so you can find your true potential.  

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