3 Tips To A Balanced Training


A balanced training program is so important to get you to your ultimate fitness goals. Whether you want to lose weight, build muscle or just feel your best a balanced training program is imperative.

Here are 3 Tips To a Balanced Training Regimen


1.Determine Your Goals

Not every training regimen is going to cater to your desired goals. So, before jumping into any ‘ol training regimen determine your goals and know what end result you desire.  

This could be losing weight, toning muscle, increasing strength or looking your best in a bikini! Your determined goal is determined by your desires. So, approach the goal setting process for you first. If it’s for health reasons then maybe it’s a good idea to keep loved one’s in mind as a goal with beyond your own

reasoning is only added incentive and determination.  Sometimes getting in shape is strictly health reasons. Staying healthy is taking care of ourselves. When we can take care of ourselves, change our bad old habits into good properpering one’s that’s when we have the strength to help others.

2.Train All Major Muscle Groups  

A balanced training program requires training all major muscle groups. A good an easy reference to remember which muscle to train on which days is as follows:  

Monday: Shoulders/Leg

Wednesday: Back/Biceps

Friday: Chest/Triceps

Of course, you can split it up several ways but this is a good go making sure each muscle group is getting worked each and every week.

3.Implement Proper Training Concepts

Along with muscle groups we also have to think about the overall conditioning of our bodies and how we can incorporate strength training, cardiorespiratory training and flexibility training.

Cardiorespiratory training can be done every day of the week in small small quantities of time such as walking. But that won’t be enough if you are advanced or progress. The body adapts to routine so progress can halt if you don’t switch it up.  

Incorporating a cardio regimen 3-5 days/week for at least 20 minutes is a good general guideline but wouldn’t hurt to boost the effort to 30-45 minutes depending on your goals.

Strength training is effective muscle building which is essential for any fitness goal. If you want to lose weight increasing lean muscle is key. A good rule of thumb is to split up your training sessions by muscle groups giving each 24-48 of rest is how the muscle rebuilds. Strength training three to four days per week touching each muscle group is highly beneficial for any fitness goal.  

Flexibility and mobility training is just as important.  Incorporating a warmup and cooldown with 5 to 10 minutes of stretching on each training day is essential.  

A balanced training regimen is a healthy training regimen that creates a strong and healthy body balance.


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