7 Things to Know to Effectively Measure Your Fitness Progress 



Before you begin, there are a few things that you should know so you can effectively measure your progress. More often than not, we are hard on ourselves about our progress. So we ask you to track your progress from the beginning so you will see the progress by the end of this challenge. Use these top ways to track your progress so you will be able to look back and see how far you have come.

1. Gauge Your Lifts 

This Fitzone Summer Shred Program gives you five days of new workouts every week with two days of rest. The workouts will take approximately one hour each. Each workout includes a suggested cardio option and directions for your workout. 

When building strength you are also increasing lean muscle tone. In order to progress and sculpt lean muscle you should be gauging your lifts and progressively lifting heavier and/or adding more reps to your sets. 

You should be lifting as heavy as you can so you can BARELY get the amount of reps listed with that weight.

Example: If you are deadlifting 135lbs and can only get it four times, and you are going for eight reps, it’s too heavy! If you get to eight reps and feel like you could manage three more, it’s too light! Apply this concept to all of your lifts. This is a great way to keep track of your strength gains as well!

2. Don’t Judge Progress with a Scale. 

The numbers on the scale DO NOT reflect fat loss. The scale simply measures weight loss (or gain) that may include water weight, muscle growth and/or depletion but not actual fat loss. Your weight will fluctuate day to day depending on the food and drinks you intake, activity level, stress, hormones, etc. 

These are all factors that play into the numbers you see on the scale and are all reasons why you should not fret when you see the numbers rise and fall.  A simple shift in your focus from the minutiae of weight loss to concentrating on what you actually need to do to get there, is really the way to go when it comes to tracking your progress.

While this challenge does have a weekly weight loss goal of two pounds per week it won’t be the final determinant of the winner. The winner will ultimately be determined by the BEST Transformation photo. Your points that you tally up week by week is just a way to keep you accountable and measure any tie breakers.

3. Gauge Progress by How Your Clothes Fit

Ever find yourself putting on an old pair of jeans and having them feel loose around the edges?! This is a great way to see your progress in real form. There is no need for a scale when your work shows, literally.  Hold onto those jeans that you desire to fit in again and try them on each month to see if your progress is unfolding the way it should.

You may want to take a picture of yourself wearing those jeans and keep it in your FitZone Labs tracking journal. Each month, take a new picture and you’ll be surprised at how many changes you notice in a picture as opposed to just seeing yourself in the mirror. Make a note of where they feel loose, where they feel tight, and how you feel wearing them. Whatever the scale says, your pants will never lie but the scale might.

4. Track Your Body Fat %

The scale can still be a useful way to measure weight loss but as said before it does not tell your actual fat loss or body fat percentage for that matter. Knowing your body fat percentage is important because scale weight doesn’t always tell the whole story. 

It’s possible for your weight to remain the same, even as you slim down, especially if you’re losing fat and gaining muscle because muscle weighs more than fat. Muscle also burns fat even at rest and allows for that lean sculpted look that fat can’t give you. Knowing your body fat percentage can give you a better idea of how much fat you really need to lose.

5. Circumference Measurements 

Too often, stepping on the scale can be a negative experience. There may be a slight increase in your number, even though you’ve been sticking to your diet and your workout regimen. Even worse, maybe the scale shows no progress at all when you’ve been doubling-down on your workouts.

If you’re just starting a new diet or training program, the number on the scale can be deceptive, making you feel like you’re not making progress even when you are. A good way to avoid the deception is with circumference measurements.  Measuring your biceps, hips, waistline, thighs and calves can give you a real idea of where your body is leaning out, growing muscle or storing fat. Here’s how to take your circumference measurements. 

Directions: Using a measuring tape measure your circumferences at the start of each month. Be sure to use the same measuring tape, same measuring system to ensure accuracy.

Chest: Measure directly across the nipple line.

Biceps: Measure at maximal circumference of the biceps, measure with arm extended, palm facing forward. 

Waist: Measure the narrowest point of the waist, below the rib cage just above the hipbones. if there is no apparent narrowing of the waist, measure at the navel

Hips: With feet together, measure circumference at the widest portion of the buttocks.

Thighs: Measure 10 inches above the top of the patella (knee cap).

Calves: Measure at maximal circumference between the ankle & Knee.

Seeing progress in your measurements takes time as well. Healthy weight loss is generally between 1-2 pounds per week. Healthy measurement drops really depend on the individual. Measure yourself every 3-4 weeks for best results.

6. Rest & Recover is Key to Progression 

Recovery is crucial to rebuild muscle tissue and keep your body motivated. It’s imperative to stay hydrated while eating a well balanced diet that suits your body’s macronutrient requirements.  It’s also recommended to incorporate some sort of meditation, yoga or any other active recovery activity on your off days. If you desire progress then rest and recovery is key! 

7. When Will You See Results?

How long does it take for fat loss and lean muscle growth? Most of us need several weeks of a consistent diet and exercise regimen before seeing significant changes. Consistency for 4-12  weeks is really when you should see real progress. So be patient. Focus on your effort and consistency with your healthy eating habits. Learn to be an advocate for pursuing a healthy and balanced lifestyle that reflects a healthy, strong and lean physique. This does not happen overnight! It can take months to obtain but consistency will allow you to maintain your progress so you stick with this health and fitness journey for the long haul. 

See your progress come to life by joining our 30 Day Summer Shred Challenge! Just click here to register! 

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