FitZone Labs Reopening Protocol


Thank you all for sticking with us during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic.  We truly appreciate your support and patience during this time.  We are eagerly awaiting to hear from our Governor in regards to when we can open our doors to the public. We have spent the past few weeks planning and implementing extensive protocols that ensure our FitZone Family, coaches and staff are safe and healthy upon reopening.  

Below you will find a few of our actions that we will be taking once we open our doors to the public.  

  • Once you check into a class you’ll be assigned a station upon arrival. There will be 10 people MAX in every class.
  • Wash your hands BEFORE and AFTER each and every class.  Also, please use the hand sanitizer stations upon entering and leaving the building. 
  • Upon arrival to class, after you wash your hands, please go and stay within your designated station. Your personalized training station will be set up with all the training tools you need. If available PLEASE bring your own yoga / exercise mat if you have one. 
  • Please bring a SWEAT towel! This is mandatory. We do have towel service if you forget one.
  • Bring all your own boxing gear. Hand wraps, gloves, etc. There will no longer be gloves to rent. 
  • We have placed additional Hand Sanitizer dispensers all around the building, please sanitize before and after your workout.
  • We will be using minimal to NO equipment for all classes for the first few phases. If any equipment is needed for your session it will be waiting for you in your designated station.
  • Please bring minimal belongings with you. Belongings you do bring please place in your training area.
  •  If you need any modified equipment, do not retrieve it yourself. Please notify your Coach and they will be happy to assist you. 
  • If you need to use the restroom during your session, please observe the sanitation guidelines and wash your hands for a minimum of 20 seconds. 
  • At the conclusion of your session, please wash your hands and / or use the provided hand sanitizer at the exit.
  • Please sanitize your area after you are done training. We too will have a comprehensive sanitizing protocol that will be followed after each session and at the end of each day.
  • Please do not bring guests / children to the gym while you are training. With the layout of the new stations there will be minimal space for spectators….
  • Please observe and honor the social distancing guidelines and do not congregate too closely with fellow FitZone Family.
  • Once we open all our classes will be LIVE with our FitZone Family. 

Thanks for being patients through all this everyone! We are and will continue to take ALL the necessary precautions to keep our facility clean so our members can stay healthy and safe!


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