5 Ways To Burn More Fat


Hey Y’all!

Being that it is mid February I wanted to address some common weight loss fails that may be halting your NYE Resolutions.

First off, be patient with your progress. These are just tips that will get you the results at a much faster pace. You will get stronger, your endurance will get better before you actually see what you are looking to achieve. So use these tips with patience. 🙂

5 Reasons You are Not Losing Weight

Strength Training

Value a strong body and work to build more lean muscle mass. A proper strength training regimen is essential to breaking through any weight loss barrier. You’re metabolism will boost and you will burn fat even at rest with a little more muscle gains.

Whether you do a full body strength training day once, twice or three times per week something is better than nothing! However, if you are looking to speed the progress then shoot for three days of strength training each week. I break down my training days as follows:

Monday: Legs & Shoulders

Wednesday: Chest & Triceps

Friday: Back & Biceps

Fad Diets

Fad diets are generally restrictive diets that can actually be a recipe for failure. Many fad diets cut calories from nutrient dense foods that support energy.  To lose weight you need enough calories for energy support to get through workouts. You need calories to replenish and rebuild muscle. Most importantly you need a diet regimen that you can sustain.

Yo-yo dieting (fad diets) often require unsustainable calorie restrictions. This can damage your metabolism.  Eating smaller meals four to six times per day keeps your metabolism boosted. This allows your body to naturally refuel and burn more fat rather than the contrary of calorie restrictions.

High Intensity Interval Training

What if I told you that you could burn more calories and cut the time spent training in half – would you believe it?  To good to be true?  Well, this is not another fitness trend, it is the truth.

It has been proven time and time again that high intensity interval training is a better calorie burn than a long steady duration of cardio. Better and the concept is simple!

Here is a quick example of a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout.

15 second sprint

10 second rest

Repeat 4-8 rounds

Questions?  Comments? Workout Requests?  Send them my way! 🙂 [email protected]

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