Understanding HIIT Training Heart Rate Zones


HIIT (high-intensity interval training) and our Myzone heart rate trackers are an excellent way to determine the intensity of your workouts, calculate fat burn and track your progress. 

You may have been exercising without much thought as to what our heart rate is or why it is important. “Over time we have started to understand how training at different heart rates can affect our body,” Myzone. Tracking your heart rate within “zones” correlates to different energy systems your body recruits during exercise.

Your body uses two different energy systems while exercising, the aerobic energy system and anaerobic system.  Aerobic involves a lower heart rate and anaerobic energy system involves a higher heart rate. Aerobic exercise may include walking, running, rowing, cycling, and swimming. Anaerobic exercise would include shorter exertion exercises such as sprinting or  jumping. 

An easy way to determine your heart rate zone is by using a heart rate monitor. At Fitzone Labs, we use a system called Myzone. Myzone tracks your workouts and stats including heart rate, heart rate zone, effort level based on Myzone Effort Points (MEPs) and calories burned. 

During a HIIT workout you want to be working at 75-80% of your max heart rate (MHR). You can calculate your max heart rate by using the simple formula below. 

To calculate your estimated max heart rate simply subtract your age from 220.

When working out at your max heart rate level you should be breathing heavy enough that you are unable to carry on a conversation.  Of course you will be allowed a rest time so your body is able to work at that same effort level throughout the workout. This rest time is typically at 40-50% of your estimated max heart rate. When implementing a HIIT workout you should be working at a work-to-rest ratio to keep your workout intense. Aim for the work ratio to be in the YELLOW and RED zones and GREEN and BLUES zones during the recovery intervals. 

You will want to change up your work-to-rest ratio to correlate with your fitness goals and level. See suggested examples below. 

Beginner, less than 3 months of consistent fitness training.  Perform each exercise for 20 seconds, rest for 40 seconds.

Intermediate, ~6 months of fitness training, perform each exercise for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds.

Advanced exercisers, >6 months of fitness training, perform each exercise for 40 seconds, then  rest for 20 seconds. 

Benefits of HIIT Training 

Everyone can benefit from Fitzone30’s HIIT Challenge at Fitzone Labs. Each workout includes a warmup, mobility work, strength training, and HIIT-style conditioning. Every workout is scalable to each individual’s ability level. Whether that means adjusting your work to rest ratio or resistance is completely up to you! 

What to Expect from a Fitzone30 HIIT training workout?

Fitzone30 HIIT workouts are the perfect place to find the motivation to push yourself to new limits. 

You’ll have access to the workout breakdown and have the ability to train alongside our coach and team live on our Myzone training app. This is a great way to keep accountable by gaining energy and confidence from each other.

Our Fitzone coaches provide live coaching to critique form and energize your workout. Sessions last 30 minutes and are designed to maximize your time spent training. You’ll progress through a warmup, strength and HIIT-style conditioning phases that will leave you feeling stronger. After each workout you are encouraged to post a workout picture on our Facebook training page.  Again, another way to keep you accountable and show your coach you are showing up!  This is also where you can ask questions, get training tips, recipes and more! 

How often will you be doing a HIIT Training session?

Each Fitzone30 workout (minus three days out of the week) will be a High Intensity Interval Training workout, also known as HIIT.  The other two days you will have a fitness challenge either a race against time, rounds and reps AMRAP or a scored MZ-Fitness test.

HIIT Highlights and Tips

HIIT training has shown to improve blood pressure, lower cholesterol, decrease abdominal fat, and body weight while maintaining lean muscle mass while improving overall fitness. 

“American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) guidelines suggest 150 minutes of moderate exercise and 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week,” Myzone. HIIT training is a great way to improve your overall health, decrease body fat and change your body composition. To know your true work value, your heart rate is the best indicator. Using a Myzone heart rate monitor is an excellent tool to view and maximize your results.

When are live workouts? 

Our LIVE training is held at 6am Tuesday-Thursday.  Tuesday and Thursday is on our Myzone app and Wednesday we do a team meetup session at Fox Hill Park in Summerlin, Las Vegas. 

Each training session is specifically designed so you won’t complete the same workout twice. Working out 6 days a week is highly recommended, but not required. As with most things, consistency is key, so we recommend training at least 4-5 days per week.

How do I get started?

To be included in this challenge you must register whether you are a member or not.  If you are a current member simply register by sending your before picture and current weight by the official challenge start date. If you are not a member click the register link below and then send your before picture and current weight to the email below. 

How Challenge is Scored: 

Ultimately the best transformation picture wins. You will also tally up points by each and every class check-in as well as logging your workouts daily.  You will earn training points by using our MEPs system via our Myzone training app.  If you are not a member you will receive a link to download our app. You may purchase a Myzone training belt using a discount code you will receive upon signing up. You DO NOT need to purchase a belt, it’s just an option so you can track your points! 

Submit a before picture by the challenge start date by emailing:

[email protected] 

Subject Line: Fitzone30 HIIT Challenge

Questions, Comments, Inquires? 

If you are still not sure if Fitzone30 HIIT Challenge is for you and have additional questions then we’d love for you to experience what the Fitzone30 HIIT Training Program has to offer. Feel free to contact us at 702-850-8822.

Want to learn more about our Personal Training & Fitness Coaching Programs? Sign up for a FREE 14-Day Trial to get access to our online workouts streamed on our mobile training app. Or, connect with us by clicking the email icon below to sign up for our newsletter that includes training and nutrition tips, healthy recipes, challenge updates and much more!  

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