Accountability Challenge 3 Goals You Need to Know


Accountability is when you are 100% committed to completing the tasks that are necessary to achieve your goals. It’s not always easy to do solo but with a team of accountability partners it becomes much easier to obtain. 

We are kicking off our next 30 Day Challenge at Fitzone Labs this week. This is an Accountability Challenge to keep you on track with your goals as a team! We encourage you to reach out to another Fitzone team member and give them a little encouragement throughout the week. This can be done on our Private Facebook page or on our group training app. This challenge has just three goals to keep you all accountable and here they are… 

Goal #1- Motivate & Connect with Your Team 

Connect and encourage another Fitzone member to show up and complete the daily workout.

Christine lost nearly 5 lbs, dropped 3.5% in body fat and lost inches around her waistline in just 30 days!
She hustled, even doubled up on her classes and ended with a whopping 1,532 MEPS to finish off this challenge, 1300 was the goal!
Christine, you crushed this challenge. ?Keep on inspiring, keep on hustling, your hard work and consistency will continue to pay off! ?

Example #1: If you are working out in the morning I encourage you to  message / comment on our Myzone community app to let your evening teammates know how your workout went. It’s much easier to show up for a class when you have a coach live and in-person. So give the evening folks a word of encouragement to show up and train!

Example #2: If you are an evening person then check the Myzone app and drop a message or comment to one of your teammates when they post their workout. A simple, “great job” is sufficient!

Goal #2- Share Your Goals 

“An accountability group is a gathering of people who share their goals and support each other in reaching them. The group meets regularly to share their goals for the next week, to report on their progress from the week before, and to offer support to other members.”

For our second goal I encourage you to share and speak your own personal goal(s) to your teammates and your coach. This can be done before our morning workouts or after. You can also share them  with the group on our private Facebook training page.

Maybe you want to drop 5 lbs, follow your diet plan or run an 8 minute mile. Share the goal with your team! Your coaches always login 5-minutes before each class so you can even share them with us live before you train. We may even ask someone to share their goals to kickoff the week! Either way it’s important to remember that the more you share and communicate your goals the more you are held accountable to reach them!

Once you share your goal you will be asked how you are coming along with that goal or goals every week either through a text, social media message or live during our training online and at the parks. So figure out what goals you’d like to reach for this challenge and share them with us so your team can keep you accountable!

Goal #3: Earn Your MEPs 

Reach a minimum of 1300 MEPs each for this month as a team! You will be greeted with a challenge on our Myzone app. To participate in this Accountability Challenge you must select and accept this challenge by simply clicking on the invite link you receive via email.

Let’s crush our goals together team! 

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