20-Minute AMRAP Workout (Lean Arms & Toned Abs Fitzone30 Home or Gym)


Tone your arms, sculpt your legs with this Fitzone30 minute workout. Minimal equipment for home or gym makes for a simple plan to help you reach those health and fitness goals.

Burn fat at rest makes it simple with our easy to follow Fitzone30 strength and conditioning program. Consistency needs direction so it’s important to know why you’re showing up and what you are focused on when you get there.

Having a regimen to go to will not only will help you get the results you want but it will also make you feel more confident knowing that you committed and stayed consistent with your goals. Nothing motivates me more than a win. Showing up is a win. Focus on that – show up for you, your health and goals. Your future self will thank you!

Workout Breakdown:

Cycle as many of these exercises back to back for 30 minutes for a quick and effective fat burning workout. AMRAP (as many as possible rounds for 20 minutes).

10 Hammer Curls

10 Bicep Curls

40 Seconds Low Plank (Variation of Choice)

10 Skull crushers

10 Close Grip Press

30 Abs (Dead Bugs or Stability Ball Sit Ups)

10 Dips

40 Seconds Jump Rope

Care for more guidance or coaching? Contact me directly at [email protected].

Here’s my suggested home workout equipment:


Jump Rope

Fitzone30 Home Fitness

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