8 Mindful Habits To Stay Fit & Healthy 


When it comes to being healthy and fit it is essentially building habits and healthy routines to achieve the best results.    

This doesn’t require a daily routine where you do the same thing over and over. It’s merely building a lifestyle that keeps you mindfully aware of your health habits.  

Mindful habits incorporate the vastness of a healthy lifestyle that incorporates nutrition, exercise, stress management, rest and supplementation.  Use these habits to stay fit and healthy.  

8 Mindful Habits To Stay Fit & Healthy 

1.Rise and Grind 

Being mindful of when you workout is crucial. Working out in the morning decreases the chances of neglecting your workout at the end of the day. It is also a great way to start your day and energize your body and mind.   

2.The Essence of Zen 

Be mindful of your stress level and get some Zen when needed. Stress is related to increased abdominal fat, binge eating and sweet tooth cravings.  It is a healthy habit to relieve stress. Exercise boosts serotonin levels and reduces stress as well as meditation and yoga.  

3.Water Conscious  

Know how much water you intake daily. A good habit to start with is having a full glass of water upon waking up, before each meal and a water bottle at hand throughout the day.  

 4.Quality Over Quantity  

Stop counting calories because not all calories are created equal.  Instead focus on the quality over quantity.  Vegetables are richly dense and loaded with nutrients. Lean meat proteins such as turkey, chicken and eggs have better calorie qualities than fatty red meats. If you are worried about calorie intake it is best to focus on portion control to limit any obsessive and daunting calorie counting.  

5.Workout Outdoors 

The same old gym routine can get mundane and lead to decrease in motivation.  It is highly beneficial to seek the outdoors every once in a while. Weaving an active lifestyle both indoors and outdoors will help avoid that motivation plateau. 

6. Plan Ahead 

Preparing yourself in advance is the ultimate way to keep accountable and ensure success.  Planning ahead your meals and fitness routine is essential to overall fitness success. 

7. Mindful Eating Habits 

Focus on quality over calorie quantity.  Consume nutrient dense foods and limit empty calories from unhealthy foods.   

8. Plan A Supplement Approach  

Supplementation is a great way to boost progress alongside a healthy diet and workout regimen.  Include stacking supplements to aid in workout fuel and recovery.   


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