5 Foolproof Ways To Stop Comparing Your Progress with Others and Start Succeeding Today


We all have our own strengths and weaknesses and no one’s are the same. It’s important to understand your goals, reasons for those goals and why you’ll never hold yourself to the standards of others. 

It’s crucial to have your own personal goals so you can stay focused on working towards your own improvements without comparing your progress to others. Here are 6 foolproof ways to stop comparing your progress with others.

1. Get Clear With Your Goals 

If you are not clear with your goals how can you expect to reach what you are striving for?  

Clarity is key. The clearer you are with your goals the more focused you become with your own personal progress not the progress of others. What we focus on grows. So be intentional by creating clear and defined goals. Also be sure to write them down and review them daily! Motivation has to be generated and created. This simple task will help instill more positive mental habits making it easier to succeed.

2. Personalize Your Routine 

This means how you workout, what time you workout, the frequency and duration. You are what you practice. You are what you eat. Routine matters because it keeps you on track and focused on what YOU need to do to accomplish what you seek! 

Decide what you want to do, when, and where you’ll train, all beforehand. Don’t wing it!  Preparation is crucial and preparing is planning your workouts so you have a map to guide you along the way.

3. Exercise Equals Movement

I strongly encourage you to redefine what exercise and movement means.  This is important so you don’t get burnt out and it also helps you refocus your focus. Let me explain….

It’s not just about cardio blasting, most push-ups, most laps type of race. It’s movement not drive, not motivation, not any other thing. Keep focused on moving your body in a healthy and appreciative way each and everyday.
This way you consider your own body, your own abilities, your own speed, your strengths. Comparison doesn’t stand a chance when your focus is on movement not pure accomplishments.

4. Speak Encouraging Words 

There is nothing more important than self talk so don’t take it lightly.  How you respond to yourself, talk to yourself, is crucial in overcoming almost every life obstacle- especially when comparing! 

Resist any lies that shout “you are not enough”. Replace those lies with positive affirmations. It’s so important to speak encouraging words to yourself each and every day. They can be as simple as thoughts. Better yet, you can even write them down. Either way, a good self talk session is a great way to stay focused on yourself in a healthy and balanced way.

Challenge yourself to become aware of how you are speaking to yourself, as YOU are the only one listening. So be nice because this will surely set you up for success! 

5. Develop a community mindset

When you commit yourself to being deeply thankful for all that’s good in your life, and surround yourself with a community that does the same, chances are you’ll be far less vulnerable to the comparison and envy trap. 

If someone or something triggers that negative comparison, take a beat and stop to remind yourself of what’s good in your life, what you are grateful for, what accomplishments you’ve already made. Having a community is a positive way to beat the comparison trap as well. A support group of people with the same motives and values will take you a long way in this health and fitness journey. 

Did you set any goals with me recently?

Be sure to let me know how they are going or if you need to tweak anything!  I hope you enjoyed this  30 day challenge.  Keep up the great work! 

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