Veteran’s Day 11 Minute AMRAP Workout Challenge 


The infamous “WOD for Warriors” workout is held each year on Veteran’s Day at thousands of gyms across the country. The significance of the this workout is in the 11 minute layout. Representing the 11th month, 11th day and 11th hour while the 19 deadlifts and 18 pull ups represent the year 1918, Armistice Day. “The 11th month, 11th day and 11th hour celebrates the service of all U.S. military Veterans in a meaningful way within their own communities.”

This Veteran’s at FitZone Lab’s we are dedicating our last class burnout to our veterans.  Here is the original WOD for Warriors workout:
“WOD for Warriors”:  AMRAP in 11 minutes
  • 11 Power Cleans (135/95 lb)
  • 11 Burpees Over the Bar
  • 19 Deadlifts (135/95 lb)
  • 18 Pull-Ups

We will be ending our 30 minute Boxing BootCamp workout with our modified 11 Minute WOD for Warriors workout with the following AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

FitZone’s “WOD for Warriors”:  AMRAP in 11 minutes

  • 11 Cal Sprint
  • 11 Pull-ups
  • 19  Burpees
  • 18 Russian Twists
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