How to Accomplish Your Fitness Goals 


To accomplish any healthy goal you must focus on implementing healthy habits..

A habit is a learned automatic response.  Forming new healthy habits, or breaking bad ones for that matter, involves a series of steps including making the actual decision to change, creating a new behavior to support that change, and staying consistent with the habits that create the change.

Research shows that building new healthy habits takes at minimum 21 days. “Commonly observed phenomena tend to show that it requires a minimum of about 21 days for an old mental image to dissolve and a new one to jell.” 

Habits play an important role especially when it comes to losing weight and getting in-shape.  A 30-day challenge can help to get the ball rolling so you can accomplish your fitness goals. Here is how… 


Create Strategies for Success 

Chances are if you are new to the realm of health and fitness creating a strategy for success may seem daunting.  That’s just one benefit a 30-Day fitness challenge, the strategies for success are already written! Your fitness coach creates these strategies through proper fitness programming, customized meal planning and other standardized health and fitness strategies that will help pave the path for success.

While success strategies are essential for creating healthy habits, researchers have identified several other ways that can help boost your success and make those habits stick. 

“According to the study authors, creating sub-routines in the middle of an existing routine can have a greater likelihood of habit formation. In addition, positive attitudes had a direct result on successfully making a new habit.”

Implementing this strategy in-regards to healthy habit building include: 

  • Drinking a full glass of water before your morning cup of coffee.
  • Taking a mult-vitamin with your breakfast.
  • Add a 30-Day Challenge to spice things up at the gym. 
  • Create your weekly agenda before your work week and pencil in every workout session for the week. 

Have a Support System 

Another way a 30-Day Challenge can help build and implement healthy habits is the support system you receive from your trainer and other challengers. Having accountability will keep you on point with your goals. Also using our 30-Day Challenge mobile app to track your goals is another way to create accountability so you can stay on track with your goals. 

“A 2018 study published in the Journal of Biomedical Informatics found interactive digital support systems can help people establish healthier lifestyle habits.”

In this study, patients were able to lose 5-percent of their body weight by using an accountability software which provided motivation and reminders to monitor diet and fitness activity. 

“The researchers suspect the digital interactions helped to reduce the mental load of forming a new habit and enabled greater consistency so the task becomes automatic.

With our FitZone Lab’s 30-Day Challenge you receive digital accountability within our mobile app where you can track your goals, rally up challenge points, view your progress and actually see your successes!

Have a Plan

Whatever accomplishment you’d like to make whether that be to stick with a  healthy meal plan, have a steady workout regimen or feel better physically and mentally you must have a plan to direct your actions so you can find success.   

Our 30-Day Challenge is a structured fitness challenge created by our FitZone Lab’s trainers.  The plan is ready when you are! There is a set start day (August 1st, 2020), end date (August 30th, 2020). There is a custom training schedule devised for each member plus a custom meal plan catered to your particular goals. 

We also introduce and strengthen new healthy habits over the course of the 30 days so you have a unique challenge each and every day. Committing to a 30-Day Challenge  provides the boost you may need to get started making a healthy change. Once you begin, the daily repetition and accountability from your trainer and other participants will boost your momentum and help you implement the desired change in a consistent manner.  Achieving incremental successes within the 30 days is an essential starting point if you really want to accomplish your fitness goals!

If you are serious about accomplishing your fitness goals then sign up for our 30-Day Sprint Challenge today! There are only 9 spots left!  Sign up link below or connect with your trainer directly at:  [email protected].


Register for our 30-Day Sprint Challenge and Receive a Complimentary Training Journal!

>>>Sign-Up for our 30-Day Challenge Here <<<


Breaking bad habits: Why it’s so hard to change. (2012).

How Long Does It Take for a New Behavior to Become Automatic?” (October 24, 2019).

How Social Support Contributes to Psychological Health. (April, 14th 2020) Social Support Is Imperative for Health and Well-Being


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