9 Tips To Stay Hydrated and Healthy


Hydration is key to boosting fitness performance, losing weight and staying healthy. Staying hydrated helps rid the body of toxins and helps to keep systems in the body functioning smoothly.  The body is made up of over seventy percent water so staying hydrated helps to replenish water levels.  Water is vital for things such as muscle development and functioning, joint health, immune health, digestion, and even brain health. Water has numerous benefits for your health but staying hydrated is too often neglected.

However, with so many options to reach for another beverage it is the essential choice to reach for the thirst quenching hydration-inducing aqua!  Here are our top tips to stay hydrated and healthy… 

1. Make it a Morning Routine

Drink one full glass of water right away in the morning before breakfast. If you are a go-to coffee drinker be sure to drink a full glass of water before your morning cup of joe. This is the best way to refuel and replenish water levels and get ahead of your hydration for the day.  

2. Be Prepared 

Dont rely on a water fountain to keep you hydrated when you are on the go. Toting around a water bottle isn’t just for the gym. Having a water bottle handy throughout the day is the best way to ensure you are keeping up with your hydration. 

3. Order Water When Dining Out

Make a pact to yourself to skip the soft drinks and order water instead. You can boost this motivation by reminding yourself that you are not only saving on empty calories but also cash!  Water is pure and it’s free! So take advantage and opt for a glass of water when dining out. 

4. Make a Water Bottle Your New Daily Accessory  

Whether you are running errands, working at a desk all day, traveling or having a water bottle with you at all times will help keep up with your hydration.  If you want to really track your water intake then fill a gallon of water up in the morning and drink the entire gallon by the end of the day. This is the best way to  gage your water intake throughout the day.

5. Eat Your Water

Fruits and vegetables contain water and are healthy snacks to keep hunger at bay while fueling your hydration.  Cucumbers, iceberg lettuce, watermelon, radishes, zucchini and celery contain a fair amount of water to supplement additional sources for hydration.  

6.Infuse With Fruits

Whether it is a squeeze of lemon, cucumber water or kiwi infusing your water with some flavor is an added bonus!

7. Mix In Tasty BCASS Amino Support

Amino acids are great for not only muscle endurance and recovery but are also a great way to boost your water intake.  Adding a scoop of Blue Raspberry or Green Apple BCAA 2:1:1 is a great way to satisfy your taste buds and stay hydrated!

8. One for One Rule

For every sugary soda, coffee or caffeinated tea make it a rule to drink a glass of water as well. This will control and limit your sugar cravings while replenishing what is lost from dehydration.

9. Be Mindful

All these tips require mindfulness, listening to your body and making sure you are being health conscious by fueling yourself with water throughout the day. Take a few deep breathes before you feel the urge to reach for a soda to quench your thirst. After those few “mindful” breathes you’ll feel at ease even with this simple mindful trick. 

We hope you stay hydrated and healthy with these hydration tips! 

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