3 Essential Training Phases to Build a Strong Core


Training the core should be systematic, progressive and goal specific.  If you are a beginner it’s imperative that you start at a foundation where exercises are performed to increase stabilization systems that allow your abdominal muscles properly.  

The objective for any valuable strength training is to create a solid foundation for you to build upon.  Core training strengthens deep superficial muscles that stabilize, align and move the trunk of the body including the muscles of the lower back.


Core stabilization exercises increase proper activation of the muscles in the abdomen.  This allows for proper functioning, improved posture and greater ability to reach your fitness goals.


Here are 3 Essential Training Phases to Build a Strong Core.


Phase 1:


includes focused stabilized training that involves little motion through the spine and pelvis.  Many of the exercises in this phase focus on drawing the belly button down to increase flexion in the abdomen.  If you are a beginner focus on these exercises for 4 weeks until starting the second phase.


Phase 2:


In phase two of core training the exercises should be more dynamic and induce a full range of motion.  Examples of this phase include using a stability ball for crunches, back extensions, reverse crunch, leg lifts.  


Phase three is fairly more advanced as the concentration is more on developing core power to produce heightened force and strength.  


Example of phase three core training includes rotation chest passes, medicine ball throw, soccer throw.  



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