7 Ways to Boost Your Immune System with Physical Fitness 


We know the common ways to protect ourselves against today’s unprecedented times, post global COVID pandemic- frequent hand washing and social distancing. But, did you know that maintaining a healthy and balanced diet along with regular exercise can boost your immune system and fend off infectious disease? 

“A 2019 scientific review in the Journal of Sport and Health Science found that exercise can improve your immune response, lower illness risk, and reduce inflammation.” 

Having another aspect that will help support your overall health can really come in handy especially during a pandemic.  Here are 5 ways a healthy diet and regular exercise can boost your immune system and keep you healthy….. 


Now more than ever it is imperative to define a proper strategy for staying healthy.  Regular exercise has been highly encouraged by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  and World Healthy Organization (WHO). 

 “Top officials like the CDC and WHO still encourage regular exercise—and for good reason.”

David Nieman, DrPH, a professor in the department of biology at Appalachian State University and director of the university’s Human Performance Laboratory found that, “Exercise increases blood and lymph flow as your muscles contract.” Helping to increase the circulation of immune cells throughout the body. 

Nieman and his colleagues found that exercise specifically helps to recruit highly specialized immune cells.  “Such as natural killer cells and T cells—find pathogens (like viruses) and wipe them out.” In Nieman’s 2019 review,  participants who exercised experienced an increase of immune cells up to three hours after their workout!

2. Stay Consistent 

“While you do get an immediate response from your immune system when you exercise, that will eventually go away—unless, that is, you keep working out consistently.” 

To reap the health benefits of exercise you must stay consistent. Good news is you don’t have to spend hours upon hours at a gym. Staying consistent doesn’t take much!  Exercising a minimum of 4-5 days per week for 30 minutes can certainly do the trick. 

3. Healthy Diet Plan

Another notable tip to keep you healthy is to consume a nutritious and balanced diet plan. Food is fuel for the body.  What we eat affects us internally.  Eating the proper portions of healthy fruits and vegetables fuels your body’s natural immune defense.  

4. Build Lean Muscle. 

Your body’s metabolism plays a crucial role with your immune system. “The way our bodies regulate and manage energy—our metabolism—and our body’s ability to defend itself against pathogens—the immune response—are closely linked because a strong immune response relies on energy,” explains Hotamisligil.

When you exercise and build lean muscle mass your metabolism increases and your body is fueled to fight and fend off disease. 

5. Rest & Recover 

A significant part of staying healthy happens when we sleep.  Getting proper rest, 6-8 hours per night, helps the body to recover.  When we sleep the body re-energizes and repairs cells and muscle tissue. This domino effect will also help improve your overall fitness, mental sharpness while boosting the immune system. 

6. De-Stress With Yoga  

“When we’re stressed, the immune system’s ability to fight off antigens is reduced. That is why we are more susceptible to infections. The stress hormone corticosteroid can suppress the effectiveness of the immune system (e.g. lowers the number of lymphocytes).” 

The negative influence of stress can be greatly underestimated. Stress can have a tremendous impact on our energy levels and immune system.  Adding in regular exercise to your weekly routine has shown to decrease stress levels while it re energizes your body and mind. 

Researchers have also found that workouts such as yoga reduces stress and lowers the harmful effects of chronic inflammation. “New research published in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine suggests that yoga can be a helpful way to boost your immune system and decrease inflammation in the body.” 

7. Don’t wait until it’s too late.

Keep you immune system healthy by taking action and adding a simple fitness regimen to your weekly routine.  You can join FitZone Labs at the gym or train from home with our online “FitFlix” programs.  Remember, all it takes is 30 minutes per day…

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